August 2017 - August 2018
Advans Ghana

Supporting Advans Ghana in its rural expansion strategy through innovative products adapted to smallholder farmers and agricultural businesses.

The Advans Ghana savings and loans MFI, which had been serving entrepreneurs in urban areas since 2008, planned to develop its financial services offer in rural areas starting in 2016.
A credit scheme pilot was launched in the rice value chain in 2017 in partnership with an input provider and outgrower, as was a pilot for a savings scheme in the cocoa value chain.

Advans Ghana requested technical support to replicate this approach in other value chains and to develop a general individual credit offer for smallholder farmers.

HORUS DF assisted the institution in the definition and implementation of innovative value chain financing mechanisms in the cocoa, rice and cashew value chains.

HORUS DF provided expertise to identify viable opportunities, negotiate with partners, define products and services for smallholders (savings and loans), and to define the adapted organization and operational processes.

HORUS DF supported the institution in the study, implementation and training phases.

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