June 2020 - October 2020
Government of Niger, World Bank funding

Market assessment for innovative saving products based on digital technology, targeting women, farmers and micro-enterprises.

The Government of Niger has requested the support of the World Bank to conduct a diagnostic and a market study to better understand existing savings mechanisms and market demand for savings products. This could then support the design of new savings products based on digital technologies specifically targeting women, farmers and micro-enterprises, with a specific focus on youth. The aim is to develop new prototypes of digital savings products tailored to a few pre-identified partner financial institutions and to propose implementation plans as well as uptake strategies for the three surveyed segments.

Services provided:

  • HORUS DF carried out the demand side and supply side market assessment. The consulting company conducted then the Digital product prototyping through creative workshops with selected partners to develop saving offers specifically targeting women and farmers
  • To end, it supported each partner financial institution in designing action plans, pilot frameworks and financial literacy tools
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